Monday, April 28, 2008

Third Angle View

Not that many people visit my blog....but for the very few who do..firstly, thank you very much !! The reason for my infrequent blogging is well...."Ghoting" - for the unenlightened (by BITSian standards obviously), here is the BITSLang library entry :

void ghot (v) { A mysterious behaviour exhibited by a select few to attain a state of perfect sin achieved by the soul through seclusion and 'gyaan-praapti'. Supposed to be caused by a virus of a unique kind. Infects a majority of the population, especially during the months of December and May. Although most manage to recover, some may turn into the living dead. This strain of the virus stays mainly dormant in the individual and is spurred by the need for better grades. Symptoms are usually uninterrupted solitary self-confinement in the 'BITSLib' ( not to be confused with couples who are found in the same locations indulging in the practical study of the human anatomy ), involuntary loss of interest in the more enjoyable pursuits of life and slightly distinct external appearance in the form of a large removable appendage on the back that holds the books for the victims. Etymology : acronym for Generating Heat On Table. The resulting activity is alternately referred to as 'ghoting'. Usage: "Hey macha, how much did you ghot in the library today?";}
void ghot (n) { Any particular person who diligently dissolves oneself into the act of ghoting without reason and prior warning. In biological terms, the person is suspected to have been incurably affected by the virus. Puritan ghots can be identified by certain pointers such as regular class attendance, occupancy of the bench closest to the teacher (it is believed that these creatures are under the impression that the teacher says certain things useful for the examination under his/her breath that cannot be captured beyond a certain range), surge in attention given to them during examination periods and their consequent gloating and high-handedness regarding the same. People may even find them identical in looks to drug addicts. Suitable distance is supposed to be maintained from the patient and if infection is suspected, the victim is supposed to be exposed to various forms of entertainment to render the virus dormant again. Overdose may however aggravate the situation due to psychological guilt. usage: " Oh my God ! Do you know my friend soumyadeep ? He's such a big ghot.";}

Well during the 'ghoting' sessions I have had in the last couple of days, I noticed something spectacular. Usually while solving problems, one tends to fill up the page with obscure symbols and formulae and due to some inexplicable reason, doesn't wish to shift operations to the next page and hence keeps on filling up the gaps that seem to take up too much page-space. Then there ultimately comes a stage when you are absolutely convinced that no more can be written whatsoever. This is where I noticed that if you just rotate the page by a right angle, a lot more space pops up from nowhere into which you can fill more random stuff. Here, I do not wish to give mundane ideas to save paper and protect the earth stuff....but what needs to be actually read into, is the manner in which a simple change in the view angle brought up much more space which you had otherwise thought had been exhausted entirely. Similarly, having a different perspective towards a particular situation may pop up a whole range of new options that you had never thought would be possible. This definitely does not mean that you have to always strive to think differently than you already do. It just expects you to to reaffirm your decision and assess your existing options by giving the issue at hand, a THIRD ANGLE VIEW.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Not Worth A Chunni !

Many readers would be wondering what a chunni is the explanation. Well, for all others who wouldn't bother ......pop goes the weasel.....
This blog unfortunately wouldn't be about me bickering about my PS-1 station ( for all those who are in the dark about the same: refer to pandey's interpretation , for the lazy ones: one of the great facilities offered by my even greater institute that shuttles it up the rankings inspite of nitwits like myself constituting its student population.). Actually, I have nothing to brag about....CIRT, pune, where it is heard they make you stand in the middle of the road and stare at the vehicles passing by. Nice passtime for a 3-year old kid (which qualifies it for me too), but my parents expect more. Pat comes the reply: "If you really do not appreciate this decision, then you should have studied and attempted for BARC". No, I DIDN'T; I REGRET, I ACCEPT. I regret not studying, I accept my station with renewed appreciation( its actually a nice place). And hence no post.
What I really wanted to write about is the significance of OOP concepts in the competitive life. Let me first enlist the main concepts:
1. Modularity
2. Encapsulation
3. Polymorphism
4. Inheritance
Now, lets deal with each concept individually:
Modularity: Something every successful person boasts of; one of the main indications of hard work and meticulous planning,
Encapsulation: Packaging oneself; abstracting the better points and concealing the not-so-good ones in a deft manner,
Polymorphism: Being a different person for every other individual; maintaining a log of each of your personalities and the level of truth in each. Differential approach adopted. As they say,"trust absolutely no one......and if needed, doubt even oneself"....just an overview of the same,
Inheritance: The continuous unconcious effort to emulate and follow another person. In the process, one tends to have properties of different role models. Successful individuals tend to inherit better traits. Identification and classification is the key.
Uncle Murphy just whispered into my ear.....oh yes......he was right all the while.....he always was.......
"Self-discovery is the worst form of aggression" .........and I am indulging and sinking into the same.